Extended Bed - 120 x 245mm Print Area for Select Mini


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Compatible with:

  • Monoprice MP Select Mini V1
  • Monoprice MP Select Mini V2

Possibly Compatible with:

  • Monoprice MP Select Mini Pro/V3***

The build area is 120mm x ~245mm - 255mm****. The main part of the bed is 3 mm thick aluminum with a removable flexible steel build plate held in place by magnets. This will probably require most people to use either a Z spacer or relocate the Z-axis endstop due to the increased thickness. If adding a sheet of glass to the bed then one of the previous two options will most definitely be required. A 3D printed Z-spacer will be included with the extended bed. The included Z-spacer should be enough to get you started if you need to print a Z-spacer more to your liking. The maximum build height will likely be reduced a few millimeters but should remain above 115mm.

An external MOSFET/relay or similar and a separate power supply will be required with either the 12 volt (20+ amp) or 24 volt (15+ amp) option. The MOSFET or power supply will not be included and unfortunately will not be available for purchase through GigDigit.

One drawback to the 24V version is that it requires using an external 24 volt power supply (and external MOSFET) for the bed heater. This means you cannot also power the printer from the same power supply. However you can use the stock 12V power brick to power the printer just as before.

The 12V version will require using an external 12V power supply preferably 20+ amps (and and external MOSFET). The external 12V power supply can power both the bed heater and the printer or only the bed heater and use the stock power brick to power the printer. 

Standard Bed Kit Includes:
(Many of the listed items below will already be assembled as part of the extended bed. This is sort of a kit but much of the assembly will already be done for you. This included soldering and crimping of the wire connectors. What you see in the third product image and at the beginning of the YouTube video at the bottom of the page pretty much shows how the bed will look after it is unpacked from the shipping box.)

  • One (1) - 130mm x 290mm x 3mm Magnetic 160 Watt Heated Build Plate/Bed with Silicone Insulated Wiring (8 Neodymium magnets to hold the steel build sheet in place)
  • One (1) - Y Carriage
  • Two (2) - 130mm x 290mm Removable Semi-Flexible Steel Build Sheet (Not spring steel)
  • One (1) - 130mm x 290mm x 3mm Borosilicate Glass
  • Four (4) - Binder Clips (for securing glass)
  • One (1) - 3D Printer Z-spacer (may be needed due to the added bed thickness)
  • Four (4) - M3-0.5 x 20mm Bed Screw
  • Four (4) - M3-0.5 x 25mm Bed Screw (use is optional)
  • Eight (8) - Cup Washers
  • Four (4) - 14mm Silver Bed Springs (just like the stock springs)
  • Four (4) - 20mm Yellow Bed Springs (stiffer than the stock springs - use is optional)
  • One (1) - Y Axis Belt
  • One (1) - Belt Tensioner Spring
  • Three (3) - Cable Ties (for securing the belt. Should only need two but an extra is included in case a the first time the belt is installed too loose or too tight.)
  • Two (2) - 8mm linear motion smooth rods tapped on each end
  • Four (4) - Screws for securing smooth rods to the bed tray
  • Braided/Mesh Wire Sleeving
  • Cable Ties - Three 4-inch cable/zip ties
  • Heat Shrink - Two pieces approximately 1.5 inches each or 1 piece approximately 3 inches

Optional Cable Sets Include:

For a more thorough showing of what is included with the option cables sets please watch the YouTube video at the bottom of this product listing.

The video goes over what is included with the extended bed and gives details about the optional purchasable cable sets mentioned above. https://youtu.be/AT7mSIoeHC4

  • What's included: 00:00
  • What's not included: 06:17
  • Details of optional purchasable cable/wire sets: 07:41
  • Short clip of what the optional cables/wires are used for: 10:54
  • Details and demonstration of how the optional cables/wires are connected: 11:51
  • Demonstration of how to feed the cables through the expandable sleeving: 17:41

The following is part of what is included with the cable sets. Each version will be the same other than the type of wire and the cable sleeving. The cheaper option is PVC insulated wire with expandable braided sleeving and the more expensive option is silicone insulated wire with both expandable and split braided sleeving.

12 V versions will have three cables:

  • Mainboard to the MOSFET (24-gauge / ~36”)
  • Power supply to MOSFET (14 gauge / ~36”)
  • Power supply to the mainboard (16 gauge / ~36”)

24 V versions will have two cables:

  • Mainboard to the MOSFET (24-gauge / ~36”)
  • Power supply to MOSFET (16 gauge / ~36”)

The PVC insulated wire is 14 AWG and 16 AWG all copper stranded primary wire.
The silicone insulated wire is 14 AWG (400 strands of 0.08mm copper wire) and 16 AWG (252 strands of 0.08mm copper wire) copper stranded wire.

Installation Instructions (or the lack thereof)

Hardware installation is fairly simple. The installation process is pretty much the reverse of the stock bed. The most difficult part is probably the belt tensioning.
If you purchase the bed and it arrives but you are unsure how to proceed then please feel free to ask.
There is nothing special about the extended bed wiring that is any different from adding an external MOSFET for the Select Mini or most other 3D printers.

What do those asterisks mean? 

** Please do not purchase if the destination is Puerto Rico or other U.S. territories. Shipping to those destinations will not be available for the extended bed at this time. 
This product is not available to ship internationally at this time. Please do not purchase if you intend to use a shipping forwarding service. If the destination address appears to be a shipping forwarding service the order will be cancelled. If an order is submitted with a shipping address outside of the United States or to a shipping forwarding service it will be cancelled.
Shipping to Canada may be considered. You may contact us to inquire but please know that shipping will likely be greater than $35 USD. Only UPS, FedEx, or DHL will be considered. The carrier may charge a fee for importing that is separate from import duties which would not be included in the price.

*** To use with the Select Mini Pro/V3, either soldering a couple wires to the mainboard or install two headers on the mainboard since they are missing on most Pro/V3 mainboards. If you are wanting to purchase for the Pro/V3 then it might be a good idea to Contact Us before purchasing to inquire what needs to be done to for the Pro/V3. After purchasing the bed you could send in your mainboard and have the headers installed on the mainboard at no cost. Then the mainboard could be returned in the same package as the extended bed.

**** Testing with six MP Select Mini's/Malyan M200's (two V1's and four V2's) the maximum build length's varied from 245mm - 256mm. Three V1's varied from 252mm - 256mm and three V2's varied from 245mm - 247mm. With all three V2's there was a second set of mounting holes for the Y-axis endstop. After moving the endstop to back to the second set of holes gained an additional 6mm - 7mm on the Y-axis. Moving the endstop makes the nozzle nearer to the front edge of the bed. In the case of the three V2's that were used the nozzle still remained over the build area but it is possible that this may not be true for every V2. Also, it is possible that not all V2's will have the second set of holes to easily relocate the Y-axis endstop.

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