Hotend Assembly for MP10


Maximum Purchase:
1 unit

Please use the Contact Us page if you would like a picture of the hotend assembly before the product pictures are uploaded.

Compatible with:

  • Monoprice MP10 (300 x 300)
  • Malyan MA10 (300 x 300)

Hotend Assembly includes:

  • Nozzle
  • Heat Block
  • Silicone Sock
  • Heater Cartridge
  • Thermistor
  • Heat Break/Throat
  • Heat Sink
  • Heat Sink Fan
  • Part Cooling Fan
  • Bowden Connector
  • Bowden Tube
  • Inductive Sensor

NOTE: The MP10/MA10 hotend assembly and MP10 Mini/MA10 Mini hotend assembly have different length wiring and Bowden tubes. Please be sure you are purchasing for the version you have.
Here is a link to the Hotend Assembly for MP10 Mini (200 x 200). The hotend assembly replacement may also be referred to as "Single Extruder Set".